Professor Jagdish S. Rustagi retired as chairman of the Ohio State University Department of Statistics in 1988 after teaching for over 30 years. He was always passionate about teaching and encouraged continued education in all subjects. Through his teaching, he has touched the lives of many people across the world. He started an elementary school in his birth village of Sikri, Uttar Pradesh in the name of his father Chhote Lal and has organized a number of lecture series and conferences.

We would like to keep his dream of universal education alive by encouraging you to donate to the following education-based foundations of which Jagdish Rustagi was a supporter. 

  • Click here to donate to Foundation For Excellence in honor of Jagdish Rustagi. The Foundation For Excellence funds the education of underprivileged students in India, learn more at
  • In 1987, Jagdish Rustagi endowed a lecture series in the name of his parents at the Department of Statistics at Ohio State University. Click here to help fund the Chhotey Lal and Mohra Devi Rustagi Memorial Lecture, and learn more about the lecture series here. 
  • Click here to donate to the Sankara Eye Foundation. Based in Milpitas, CA, the SEF has helped increase the number of free surgeries in India to over 12 million in 2014. Learn more at

The Rustagi family sincerely thanks you for considering a donation in honor of Jagdish Rustagi.